S. 2093 Rare Earth Cooperative 21st Century Manufacturing Act, Senator Marco Rubio TEAC 10
Content: Conference, Presentation, Technical Assessment
Tags: 2019 TEAC 10, Clean Energy, Legislation, Materials, Metals, MIning, Molten Salt Reactor, MSR, Pea Ridge, Phosphates, Process, Rare Earths, Rubio, TEAC, Thorium, Thorium Bank
S. 2093 is a bill to establish a Thorium-Bearing Rare Earth Refinery Cooperative. Introduced by Senator Marco Rubio, this Senate Staffer briefing shows the legislation being argued in favor by U.S. Army Brigadier General John Adams (Retired), the senior geoscientist Dr. Ned Mamula (USGS, DoE, CIA), James Kennedy (expert on Rare Earths), and Mark Noga who’s spent 25 years sourcing Rare Earths for automotive, medical, aerospace and defense systems.