The Mission of the Thorium Energy Alliance (TEA) Since 2006, has been educating the world on the uses and advantages of Thorium as a Fuel for nuclear power and as a critical material derived from the rare earth metals refining process for free. TEA has made significant progress in reviving research and promoting the many industrial applications of Thorium.
We support the training of young women and men in the technologies around the use of Thorium for fuel, medicine, catalysts, alloys, coatings, and superconducting materials. TEA has spent countless hours and resources helping decision makers of the USA understand the opportunities, as well as hundreds of members of the Departments of Energy, NRC, Defense, Commerce and Natural Resources, EPA.
We believe a world of equality, prosperity and abundance can be achieved and the wise use of Thorium can be instrumental in achieving that goal for all of humanity.
TEAC 12 was a Success!
April 14th & 15th, 2024
The conference on thorium, critical materials, and the future of energy from world-class speakers representing 13 different countries in Abilene, TX.
Molten Salt Thorium Research Reactor ( MSTRR – Master Reactor ), with Process Heat Test Beds
Latest News
Categories: Reactor Designs, Technology, Thorium
Categories: Critical Materials, Government Policy, Technology, Thorium
Tags: 2009 TEAC 1, DoD, DoE, Kennedy, Magnets, Materials, Metals, MIning, Pea Ridge, Rare Earth Oxides, Rare Earths, REOs, TEAC, Thorium, Weapons
Categories: Historical, MSRE