Gordon McDowell – YouTube Thorium Meme Propagation TEAC 6


My own announcement at TEAC6 was the enabling of Creative Commons license on all “Th” chapters, the first addition to CC licensed narrative since Thorium Remix 2011. This does not mean work on “Th” is complete, nor that existing “Th” chapters will not be iterated on. I’ll still be adding more chapters and creating a ~2h narrative for DVD propagation (which I owe Kickstarter backers). But TEAC only comes once a year, and I wanted to use this opportunity to alert thorium community to the [Remix this video!] button, and the YouTube Video Editor. It was use of these features which allowed thorium meme(s) to propagate as rapidly as they have. If you are watching this video on a PC, you’ll see [Remix this Video!] right now, on the YouTube desktop. Click that. Try that. Search for “Th” and “Thorium” videos. I encourage everyone to experiment with fresh narratives and pulling out key moments from my chapters to try communicate simpler messages. Even just taking an existing chapter and adjusting the opening moment so that the first 1 minute, 2 minutes or 5 minutes are delete may reveal a far more effective opening sequence.